
Drive For Green Revision : Recommendation

Page history last edited by Erik Kaptanowsky 9 years, 9 months ago


     Through the surveys taken, it shows that the WSU students do believe that the schools sustainability is a problem. Though not as many of the students worried about sustainability are in favor of paying, we still recommend using the Student Fee. The fee given to the students that will be gathered and used towards the schools sustainability program. Though the Hybrid Model generates the most money, it is the next best solution. Lots of monitoring and checking is required. This could easily lead to mistakes and items discussed in meetings can go missed. Having a large committee is hard to manage because everyone works at different time schedule so setting up meetings will be difficult. With the student fee being implemented there still would be a committee needed to manage the money and where it goes. however there would be substantially less work and management required than that of the hybrid model. Again, a bigger sample size (more responses) is needed to better evaluate how students think about this. Changing the questions for better understand is also necessary to get proper results. 


What needs to be worked on:

-The Recommendation doesn't correlate with the data, in our opinion.  

-Don't think you need to mention  the faults of the report here again, which you did in the evaluation.  

-Talk a bit more about the student fee implementation if that is what you recommend.  Or how students weren't willing to pay but agreed sustainability is a problem.  So maybe arguing how two is a better alternative.

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