
Golfler Problems and Solutions Draft

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Saved by Conor
on April 14, 2015 at 1:12:43 pm

There are many problems in golf today that Golfler can solve. The greatest challenge for golf in the 21st century is the pace of play. It is the main factor that has caused 6 million people to quit playing golf  (page 3 sales material) . It is one of the top complaints of new potential players of the game, who want their experience to be quicker.


Golfler is unique in how it makes the golfing experience better for both the course and the customer. The main concern is the pace of play on a golf course, which Golfler increases in a couple of ways. First off, Golfler provides real-time analysis of pace of play, alerting course managers about log jams on the course. Rangers can then be dispatched to clear it up. Another way that Golfler increases the pace of play is through changing the way that the cart attendants interact with the customers. Instead of having the attendants driving around in circles, hoping that someone wants to purchase something, Instead, the golfer orders using their phone, tells the attendant exactly what they want, and they can pay with their credit card. This also makes people move faster through the course, as they are not waiting at the turn for beers or burgers. This keeps the customer happy, as they can get through their round quicker, while feeling like they were better served


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