
Drive For Green Team Meeting (March 26, 2015)

Page history last edited by Ryan Thai 9 years, 8 months ago

Drive For Green Meeting (March 26, 2015)


Team Attendees

Ryan Thai

Owen Pierce

Michael Dunne

Erik Kaptanowski

Mariela Sanchez

Douglas Sheldon


  • We finally focused our attention on anything related to funding
    • How to get the money for the Office of Sustainability?
    • The structure of the committee.  How it is currently and how it can be improved upon?
  • Primary Research Sources
    • Interview questions with Larry Fedor
      • 9 possible research question (so far) regarding:
        • How much money is collected each year?
        • How is the money being used?
        • Where does the money come from?
        • What is the Michigan Economic Growth Corporation Grant?
        • How much help does the Office of Sustainability get from the grant? 
        • Who is currently in the committee?
        • How are they selected?
        • How long is their cycle period?
        • How often on weekly basis do the committee meet up to discuss on Energy Conservation issues? 
    • Interview with other Universities good working funding of their own
    • Survey questions for people regarding potential fees for the Office of Sustainability 
      • Questions:
        • What % fee of tuition are students in Wayne State University willing to pay extra per semester? 
  • Secondary Research Sources

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