Working Knowledge
Orchid Lake Country Club (Private Club epitome)
Rackham Golf Course (Public Club epitome)
Questions for the golf pros:
Call the golf pro. Play a round.
Average money spent per costumer from the cart per round?
How many rounds are played a day?
Club House Manager (if they have one):
This role may be done by the golf pro.
More monetary base questions.
Rough Questionnaire tailored to each of the club types. They will be similar.
Ben contacted Whispering Willows employees (Public Club). He will write, test, and contact. CONSENT FORM.
Connecting trends to our primary research?
"Technology as a trend that could be a selling point."
"Look for 1-2 comparable reports, or feasibility studies that might serve as a model/example. "
Maybe use other golf apps, talk about what they've done for other courses. Then emphasis that they don't make money, tailored per golf course, they have worse UI.
Other apps just summon golf carts, are expensive, and need QR codes.
Golfler is free.
"Add two sentences to the plan about analyzing the pitch deck Connor has vs Anderson's methods"
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