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Page history last edited by fs7648@... 9 years, 6 months ago

Team Charter


Team Purpose

This team will research the feasibility of creating a new SEED Wayne, an institution affiliated with Wayne State University, web page.  If research results indicate a clear choice for the direction that SEED Wayne should take, we will create a proposal backed by our research.


Duration and Time Commitment

The team will assemble for the nine weeks.  Each member is expected to spend the proper amount of time needed to complete his/her requirements designated in team meetings.



The focus is on the marketing aspects of an institution’s digital footprint.  The mission, goals, and participants are not to be influenced by the team.  We are looking at the cost and benefits of an updated web page.




Vittoria Veltri - Team Leader

Dr. Jared Grogan - Sponsor

Matthew Kable

Tre’ Hunt

Tiarra Cody

Kevin Azar


Desired End Result

The team will look into the various methods of creating a new website, cost or possible volunteer work.  We will identify the best method, if research clearly indicates one, and create a proposal that persuades SEED Wayne to adopt and implement.  The team is expected to reinforce SEED Wayne’s decisions by showing an improved sites impact on traffic, partnership, and community involvement.


Supporting Resources

The team will need to create primary research from usability tests, interviews of SEED Wayne directors, and graphical representations of results.  Team members will also draw research from secondary sources including: books, web articles, academic papers/journals, videos, newsletters, Wayne State University marketing/urban gardening library tabs, and websites.


Reporting Plan

The team will be provided a weekly outlining of participation, late documents, progress reports, properly cited sources, and current concerns of the group.  


Members will submit a properly cited document in APA style outlining the current sites problems, different methods, and potential benefits of updating the SEED Wayne web page.  The team will present the costs expected to update the site and graphically present the sites current issues.



The team will try to express the institution's ability to create new links within the community.



The team members agree to fulfill all requirements above by signing below:


Vittoria Veltri


Tre’ Hunt


Tiarra Cody


Kevin Azar


Matthew Kable


Dr. Jared Grogan





Comments (1)

fs7648@... said

at 9:08 pm on Mar 25, 2015

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