List of Research Questions

Funding (How to get the money?):
- How are projects funded currently? In other words, how do they get the money today?
- Primary Research
- Interview question with Larry Fedor
- The Office of Sustainability gets about $5 million per year for repairs and sustainability project
- Repairs become primary thing before working on sustainability projects
- What is the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC) Grant / Michigan Economic Growth Corporation Grant?
- Secondary Research
- Wayne State University Energy Management Website
- DEGC about me page
- Is DEGC Grant currently enough to fund lighting as it is stated in the Energy Management Website? Why or why not?
- Primary Research
- Interview question with Larry Fedor
- What funding ideas do other colleges have which help fund their 'green' projects?
- Secondary Research
- Dedicated Student Fees for Sustainability (List of examples)
- Self Replenishing Fund
- UCLA Self Replenishing Fund News article
- Sustainable Utilities Revolving Fund (SURF) database
- Primary Research
- Interview with other Universities possibly
- What is the Billion Dollar Green Challenge?
- Why doesn't Wayne State take part of this challenge?
- Primary Research
- Interview question with Larry Fedor
- If Wayne State had to the option to create an additional fee of ____% per credit hour for the green fund, will students and people around accept it?
- Primary Research
- Set of survey questions for people

Committee Accountability (The structure):
- What the current committee consists of?
- Primary Research
- Interview question with Larry Fedor
- How are they selected?
- Primary Research
- Interview question with Larry Fedor
- How long is one's cycle in the committee? That is, how long can they stay?
- Primary Research
- Interview question with Larry Fedor
- What committee structures works outside of Wayne State University?
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