
amershahit SWA4

Page history last edited by amer shahit 9 years, 11 months ago

My article is about how to collect debt from a friend.  I have completed the first draft for my article and it can still be improved.  Some of the improvements will come from the user test that I will conduct.  User test will help me identify the week points in my article and strengthen them to be more easily read and used.


My targeted audiences are people from different places and ages, anyone who has a friend that owes them money and wishes to get it back or use it in something different.  My test doesn’t require a lot of people since one part will be an activity, so doing that in class might not be possible.  For my other part I will need four people two will be the friends and one will be the lawyer and the last will be the judge.


Understandability test: I will ask the readers some questions to see if they understood what they have to do from the article.  Looking at their answers will determine if I need to make some changes or clarify some of the steps in my article.


Scope:  I am testing some ways to make a friend pay what he owes or use it for something else.  There will be two parts of my test, the first test will be using the law and the second will be deception and lying.

Purpose:  to get the money back from a friend that owes you.

Schedule and location: one will be done in class on February 19th and the other has already been done to a friend two weeks ago.

Scenarios: I will have two scenarios where the first one will be getting money from a friend legally by using the law and the other will be by deceiving and manipulating your way to use that money.

Sessions: the length of this test will be 20 to 50 minutes.

Roles: I will need four people to play the roles of two friends and the lawyer.


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