
Ryan's Post-Graphic Workshop Statement

Page history last edited by Ryan Thai 10 years ago

'A Picture Says A Thousand Words'




In my instruction guide to merging/splitting pdf files using PDF-Xchange Tools 4.0, I will include samples pdfs to which the readers can work with. It will feel more like a tutorial with steps guiding them how to reach the final product(s) step by step.  Readers will read a step then apply it through their own work or using the example pdfs.  At the end, they will be given the pdf file(s) with the right combination so that those follow using the given sample pdf files can check their practice work.  Graphic images (screenshots) using Snipping Tool will be added to each step.  This will ensure whether what is on the readers' screen matches with the screenshots.



A way to persuade readers is to illustrate the potential problems/setbacks when working with other methods, such as Word Document; online sites; and manual labor.  Converting pdf file(s) using Word Document, for example, could make images smaller or larger than usual, duplicate the images, and/or fade them making pictures hard to see.  Using online sites, which can merge/split pdf documents, is very risky.  Potential hackers can still personal information when documents are uploaded through a website.  Finally, manually merging/splitting printed documents then re-scanning them takes too much time. Not to mention, lots of wasted materials (such as paper) are being used for the process.



The content of the instructional guide would feel most like a tutorial.  Again, the Wikihow guide will contain sample pdfs.  Readers can use these sample documents to follow along.  The final merged/separated documents will also be there so readers can see if what they got in the end compares to mine.  Some readers are hands on learners; so, giving sample materials which they can work with along the way makes it easier to understand.  



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