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Michael Holcomb's Post-Workshop Memo

Page history last edited by Michael Holcomb 9 years, 7 months ago


To                   Professor Grogan

From               Michael Holcomb

Date                January 29, 2015


Subject           Results of Workshop and Peer Feedback for Project One


Following the Workshop and the feedback I received from it, I will revise my cover letter to shed more light on the research I did on the company.


Workshop Results

The feedback I received on my drafts were for the most part positive. My peers said that my cover letter has great visual appeal, structure, and organization. The only thing they brought up that needs to be fixed is the fact that I didn’t clearly detail the research I did on the company. In regards to my resume, my reviewers stated that I made a good decision to put my education first being that it is more related to the job. Lastly, my reviewers said that my website and portfolio gives a good first impression, and is professional while also stylish. Regarding my website and portfolio, they also questioned whether or not my English 3050 projects should be listed or not.


Revision Strategies and Procedures

Being that most of my feedback was positive, the only thing I need to change is the first sentence of my cover letter. I am going to identify the research I did on the company more clearly than I did in my draft. My peers also suggested that I remove my English 3050 projects from my website, however I am not going to do that as this is a required part of the project. Not only is it required, but the projects we do will also be good to showcase our technical writing abilities.


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