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Conor applies for a job

Page history last edited by Conor 9 years, 8 months ago

One of the best points that this chapter brings up is to not lie on your resume. Not only is it unprofessional, but it also will be very easy for them to determine whether or not you lied about getting a certain degree. Another point brought up was that the resume should be brief. HR people are looking through dozens if not hundreds of resumes and if yours is too long, it may not even get read.


I found a job for being a network security engineer at Google. Some of the research that I have to do involves determining how certain operating systems work, as experience with specific ones is a requirement for applying for the job. Another job I found that I may apply for is a software engineering internship with Google.  I will research some of the questions that they ask in an interview, since they should be pretty basic for someone just coming out of college.


I will keep my resume to one page in length. A resume in computer science only briefly describes your skills and the rest of the interview is usually practical programming. It will list the different experiences that I’ve had and a few languages that I’ve used, but not go into too much detail of what I have programmed.



My work at a few startups will be key in landing a job in my field. A lot of the most innovative ideas are created in small start up companies, which are later sold to larger corporations. There are tons of these companies, a lot of which have serious investment, and they tend to teach a broader range of skills than going into a large company. I will have skills in marketing as well as computer science, which set me apart from most candidates for a  job. 


Conor Brown Resume (2).docx


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