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Benjamin Puninske SWA 2

Page history last edited by Benjamin Puninske 9 years, 8 months ago

Benjamin Puninske's SWA 2 


     The most interesting strategy from Anderson's chapter two would have to be guideline one "Define your résumé's objective by learning what you reader wants". Despite there being a grammatical typo in the book, this first rule of résumé building seems to be the strongest. A résumé's ultimate purpose is to secure an interview, and eventually a job. Determining what an employer wants by analyzing its needs is key when constructing your résumé for that specific job opening. 


     Below is a link to a job opening dealing with the technical support of a rapid prototyping, 3D printing based company EnvisionTEC, Inc. Rapid prototyping is an incredibly interesting field of study I may wish to pursue as my career. In this job description, the need for a technical support team member with strong computer skills and an engineering background is stated. 





     This link is an application for a college internship/co-op specifically directed towards electrical engineers. Right at the start, there is a note stating that this advertisement was created to collect résumés of college students looking for summer internships. This would be an opportunity to see how my list of academic achievements stack up against stack up against my peers. The responsibilities for this job seems basic enough to actually apply with a chance of acceptance.




     My résumé will be 1 - 2 pages with an experimental focus. Most of my assets have been those acquired in the classroom and not in a job setting. This format would work much better for me in that regard, due to my lack of skill based strengths. 


     As far as recent classes go, I have recently acquired some computer programming skills. In BE1200, I used and programmed a microprocessor know as Arduino, and that experience can be translated into working with any microprocessor. Also, I am knowledgeable in basic C++, the mother of Arduino's coding language.  

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