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Steve's SWA 2

Page history last edited by ez9030@... 9 years, 8 months ago

     Anderson's text for chapter two was interesting, but simple. I've never really put thought into my resume about specifics. When the text mentioned how specific jobs would want specific qualities and abilities, I was semi-shocked at how simple the idea is but probably most efficient for resumes. While I did get a part-time technical assistant job at a physical therapy center, I'm now amazed that I even got the job with my very general resume. The only thing that I am now glad about my resume is that it is one page long, just as the chapter suggested. 

     My dream job is to be a physical therapist. However, it is unlikely that I will land that position without prior experience. In order to get some experience I would like to apply for a part-time physical therapist job at Physiotherapy Associates. However, it would be extremely unlikely that I would obtain this position without prior experience in health field or even basic job experience. So in order to help me get the job, I would apply for a position at CAREGiver. While it's not necessarily physical therapy, have this job as experience would help me with basics in nursing or helping someone's health.

     My current resume that got me my part-time job is one page long but is only really about half a page as the references section takes up a good portion of the page. At the time, my resume was experiential due to practically no official job experience but I have quite a bit of volunteer experience, so that would have been my only credible source of experience.

     While I did join a club for Wayne State, it has no relevance to my field. I did finish a CPR and First Aid class at Wayne State, so I am certified in that area, which is good to know in general. I have mentioned before that I am only a part-time technical assistant at a physical therapy center, but I work with many physical therapists and physical therapy assistants and from time-to-time, I am task with helping patients with general needs or guiding them to their next activity.

     For their privacy, I will edit the reference's names and ways of communication. To see the resume, click the link [HERE].

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