

Page history last edited by fs7648@... 9 years, 10 months ago

     There are a plethora of strategies given by Anderson's text book all related to viewing yourself from the employer.  This reader-centered approach makes it a very interesting game to play.  Determining your employers needs and wants are something you start doing before writing a single word about your very decorated and awe inspiring life.  I found that getting past all initial resume' scourges may be one of the trickiest parts.  Determining if it is digitized, scanned, or read makes a big difference in format and information that is relevant.  

     Determining how you can help the company is the most important part of the job hunt.  This involves researching the companies goals, ethics, and past conquests that you can draw from and help create a new interest into your ultimate goal, a job.  By objective flattery you can show a company how you are educated on their goals and where you can help them achieve beyond them.  Looking at an employer from their perspective is what I found to be the most important step in the application process.

     I am more interested in TE due to a recommendation from a friend who works in the field I am pursuing.  So for example, I will research what TE does and what goals it wishes to accomplish and has accomplished.  To do this I will talk with professors and especially consult with my friend who has first hand experience.  I will confine my ideas to what they need.  How can I help with the companies problems?  How can I show I have skills for the position they need?  Job postings below: 


TE Connectivity 






     I am going to write a Experiential Resume'.  The resume' will be one page long.  I chose an experiential emphasis because I feel that this version of resume' conforms to how I normally write and therefore I will be able to more effectively determine how it might appear to an employer.  

     I think showing my mathematics courses will help since I have since been accepted to take Honors courses.  Show how I am currently in a technical writing class and have started my basic engineering classes.  Though I am not entirely sure due to its recent start.  I will show how I have worked in the service industry and risen to managerial status at all previous employers.  Describe the type of work I deal with and responsibilities I once had (labor, deadlines, and effectiveness).


Download my Resume' Here: Matthew Kable Resume'.docx


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