Chapter Two Summary
From reading Chapter Two of our textbook, I found several very helpful tips when it comes to writing resumes and job application letters. When writing my resume in the past, I had never thought about key words the employer might be looking for to pass the initial screening of applicants. That piece of information is very valuable when applying to jobs just to get your resume in the hands of a real person, and it is a tip I will make sure to employ in the future. Another fact I benefited from that the chapter discussed was the specific kind of grammar one should use throughout a resume. I found the tip about using action verbs, as opposed to nouns, especially helpful. Using verbs makes the applicant seem proactive, whether the reader realizes this consciously or not. Overall I found the chapter very informative and it will prove to be helpful when I revise my current resume.
Potential Job Applications and Discussion of Resume
The two jobs I have found to potentially apply for when completing Project 1 are both civil engineering co-op positions in Ann Arbor. One is with Power Engineers and the other is at Black & Veatch. I found both of these positions through To further research these positions, I plan on studying their websites and the ads they posted for key words and qualities they might be looking for in an applicant. I will also research the company itself online to find any major accomplishments or other important information I could mention in a potential interview or application letter. To find out what specific responsibilities the position entails, I will carefully read the ad itself for mentioned duties and try to seek out anyone who has worked for the company previously, who has posted their thoughts of the job online.
For this job, I will be writing an experiential resume that will be one page long. I decided on a concise, experiential resume because I don’t have an impressive amount of work experience to justify a skill based resume. When it comes to the length, I do not have enough highlight worthy qualities to compose a two page resume.
Considering this is my first semester back in school from a six month long civil engineering co-op, I believe the most vital information for my resume is the experience and skills I gained in that position. When it comes to school related things, the most noteworthy items I will be discussing on my resume are my honors and scholarship achievements and my upper level civil engineering and mathematics classes. I will also make sure to highlight my current technical communications class because in both job descriptions they mentioned the importance of oral and written communication in the position.
Web Site with Job Listing
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