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Ryan's SWA 2

Page history last edited by Ryan Thai 9 years, 8 months ago

The Infamous Resume Now Made Reputable


What to consider?


When it comes to writing an effective resume, Paul Anderson made very good points in the process of creating one.  One good point, Anderson states that specific employers are looking for people with specific certain traits (Anderson, 2014).  One should not provide any skills outside the box.  For example, stating one's professionalism in basketball may not fit well when applying for a position as a computer programmer for Microsoft.  Instead, if one had some experience in C++ programming he or she should provide that instead.  This may seem very obvious; however, too often people give too many information when most of them are unnecessary in the job field.  


And this brings to the second point about the length of the resume.  Anderson states that resumes that runs past a full page by a small amount should be redesigned to make it fit to a full single page (Anderson, 2014).  A full two page resume is fine.  Different employers make different conclusion when to reading a resume.  One employer will look at this small amount as being disorganized which brings to the conclusion that the applicant is not being organized as all.  While on the other hand, another employer will look at the empty space and would conclude that the applicant has very few to offer to the job.  



What must you learn from the job?


In the field of Chemical Engineering, I seek to find a chemical engineering position in General Motors or its suppliers.  However, in order to understand the position, I have to understand any background knowledge pertaining to the position.  For example, understand how different materials work in different places in a vehicle is vital when making long lasting components.  Continuing in the education is one way how different materials work.  Also further research will be required either online or through books.  Education in college can only provide a small handful of materials to learn from, and there are countless more to learn and utilize.


Now only does one learn how materials work, but also the process in using those materials to create components.  Processes, like hot and cold press of metal materials, are important.  Learning the methods in creating components is necessary to ensure longevity of created parts.  If the wrong process is being utilized on a material, then the finished product will undergo wear and tear faster.  The job description may inquire some background knowledge such as this.



What will my resume look like?


My resume I'm producing will be a full page long.  This will allow me to focus only the specific traits for the position.   The kind of resume I will create is that of experiential.  I am currently working as a full time electrical designer in GM.  I learned many of the techniques and tools when applying for a better career.



What kind of education/school activities should I include?


In my resume, I will include only the valuable courses I learned both in Wayne State and training I received in GM.  A few of the projects and school research I've done and will do over the years will also be included.  Not only in school, but projects I lead in bracket component work are good additions to my resume.       






Anderson, P.V. (2014) Technical Communication: A Reader-Centered Approach. (8th Edition). Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning



Link to Resume and Cover Letter:

Ryan's Project 1





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