
Kevin's Application Email

Page history last edited by fn7900@wayne.edu 10 years ago

Dear Mr. Grogan,


        I am writing to request your permission to register for your EET 3050 English Technical writing class. I am asking you to take this class for a couple of different reasons:

1) This course would be perfect to help my career get off on the right foot. I am currently in my second last semester of Electronics Engineering Technology, and this class would help me learn how to write and design professional cover letters, memo's, and technical reports etc. All essential traits to have while working in many different types of industries.

2) My lack in writing and understanding of the concepts is no mystery. That is why I chose to enter the engineering field to get away from that. Little did I know you cannot escape it. Being able to write in a professional manner can get you very far, and that is why I am writing this email. It is essential for me to attend your class to gain the knowledge I need to succeed and move up in the world the way I want to. I bring a very good attitude with me and a desire to learn what is needed. That is what will make me excel in your course.

3) What I bring to this class is nothing more then who I am. A young individual who is wanting to learn new material and concepts that can help pave my way to a better future. A individual who is ready to accept challenges along the way knowing it will help me be successful. Someone who comes to every class prepared wanting to expand his mind. That is what I will bring.

  Thank you for your patience and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

  Best Regards,

  Kevin Azar

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