Tori's Introductory E-mail

Hello Professor Grogan,

I am extremely interested in your course ENG 3050: Technical Communication 1 and hope you will consider allowing me to register for this class during the 2015 winter term.

The material covered in this course will help me immensely with my career goals of becoming a civil engineer and a potential entrepreneur interested in real estate investing.  Learning how to properly format and write professional resumes, memos, and job applications will prove to be very useful, especially when I start my job search after college.  It will help me stand out from other potential applicants and could even help me get promoted because the skills taught in this class will make me well versed in communicating clearly and professionally with others, which is an integral part of any job. This class could also make me a more successful real estate investor by helping me effectively and professionally communicate with potential clients, contractors, and money lenders.  

As a writer, currently I feel my strength lies in conveying concepts and ideas and my weakness is in spelling and grammar.  In high school I took a class called AP Literature, which helped me develop skills in analyzing texts and writing papers conveying my thoughts on the piece and providing evidence of the symbolism I found.  These papers developed my persuasive and analytical writing, which helped me put my thoughts on paper more clearly than before.  I took another writing class in high school that was heavily research based, allowing me to exercise and grow my ability to convey key concepts as well.  Often, the weakest element of my paper is the mechanics.  Proper spelling and grammar have always been a struggle for me in my writing.  The professional look of my papers are hindered because of this.  This class, putting a strong emphasis on professionalism, will hopefully help me be more aware of my mistakes.  

If allowed to register for this class, I believe I would be a valuable asset in the classroom.  I bring a strong work ethic and I work well with others.  I also have experience being a writing tutor in my high school's writing center, which could benefit other students in the class when peer editing is involved.  

Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail and for considering me to be a student in your ENG 3050.  

Vittoria Veltri
Civil Engineering Major
Wayne State University