
Kaptanowsky Email

Page history last edited by Erik Kaptanowsky 10 years ago

Dear Professor Grogan,


My name is Erik Kaptanowsky, and I am interested in joining your English 3050 class next semester. I am currently studying to become an Electrical Engineer and I believe your course would help tremendously in many ways. Including learning the proper ways to communicate plans and ideas to future coworkers through writings as well as help in other areas of the job field. Your syllabus mentions the fact that your class teachings will help the students write to numerous audiences instead of a broad audience. Well that is just one reason in which I am interested in the class. As an engineer, many reports or presentations I would end up having to create would many times likely have multiple types of audience. These would have to be geared towards fellow engineers, the part of the company that handles more of the finances, as well as the higher ups of the company. All of whom have different ways in which they can more easily digest the information presented. Along with the knowledge I would hope to gain in your course helping in my future job opportunities it would also help me continue towards earning my degree. I will need to eventually take English 3060 as well, and as you are aware your course is a prerequisite to that class. I would really appreciate your permission to join your class so I do not have to slow my progress to graduation by taking 3060 next semester.


I would be extremely grateful to be acceptance not only for these reasons that would help me advance through my career path. I would also enjoy learning about some of the topics in the curriculum especially using technologies for designing technical documents. I am not certain what that pertains to but is intriguing.I believe I may even be able to help fellow classmates as well if granted permission for acceptance into your class. Back in high school I was in a program for all four years called Global Education. It was very writing intensive program which helped provide me with some knowledge on certain writing techniques. From that program I feel as though I have become stronger in my vocabulary choices to use in my writings. I also feel as though I am strong in regards to putting a research paper together. This is due to the fact that I had to make a research paper and present my findings to my class for my senior project. I may be able to offer some advice to fellow classmates in regards to these certain areas of writing if it would help. However I do have trouble putting together formal pieces of writing. When doing these I am not quite sure of the proper way to set up the paper in regards to spacing, indenting, and the placement of certain information. I also feel like I am not very proficient when it comes to properly citing information that I put in my papers. I am leery when trying to properly cite the quotes in the paper and on the work cited page. It seems like I have been taught a couple different ways of citing but am unsure of the proper way.


All of my strengths and weaknesses I believe can possibly help the class. With the information I do know I hope it to be possible to help classmates out if they have any questions on those topics. Along with that fact, I feel as though I also work well as part of a team and seeing the numerous group activities I think I would fit in well with the class. With my weaknesses I know that there is still plenty I do not know and am eager to learn. Well, thank you for your consideration to allow me to be a part of your class and I hope you will see me as a good fit.


Thank You,


Erik Kaptanowsky


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