
Wikihow Instructions

Page history last edited by Jared 9 years, 11 months ago


WikiHow Instructions

Introduction / Rationale:


Create a 3-4 page (single-spaced)  set of instructions for wikiHow.com. These instructions must respond to the community itself: they must both be written in the genre conventions of the wikiHow reader community and cover a topic desired by the community.


Assignment Prompt:


  • Research. Select a topic that will be useful to the wikiHow community by reviewing the list of suggested topics (below). Be sure to select a suitably complex topic that will require explanation - overly simplistic instruction topics will be marked down.

  • Graphics.  Find or develop useful visuals -- pictures and drawings, figures, tables and graphs, screenshots, flowcharts, etc. -- for your instructions.  All visuals must be properly cited and documented in APA style.

  • WikiHow Instruction Set.  Compose a 3-4 page process-based instruction set using bullet or numbered lists, section headers,  and parallel structure, and include the following:

    • Introduction.  Describe your topic and give an overview of completion steps.

    • List of materials and equipment.  Include all items needed to complete this procedure.

    • Well-organized steps.  Explain this procedure to a novice; 12 steps minimum.

    • Visuals.   Include at least at least 3 graphics per page.

    • Troubleshooting  List what can go wrong and how to fix it.

  • Supporting Texts. Anderson, Chapter 14, Chapter 28, and Appendix A; http://www.wikihow.com/Special:ListRequestedTopics


Learning Objective:


Student will be able to produce well-written, well-organized, and visually attractive instructions for a specific audience.  


Minimum Requirements:


  • WikiHow instruction set, 3-4 pages, variable word count


Due Date:

Week 7, Friday anytime


WikiHow Instructions ENG 3050 Rubric




General Description

Assignment Specific


Audience & Purpose

How well did you analyze the likely audiences for this communication? How well did you tailor this communication to that audience?

Is your document useful and persuasive for these intended audiences?

Did you find a requested WikiHow instruction set to complete?


Or did you create an article that shows you understand the needs of the community?



How thoroughly did you investigate the subject(s) of this composition?  

Did you select an appropriate and ethical research method?

Do you show the results of that research in this text?

Are your instructions complete and detailed?

Did you incorporate appropriate peer review and user-test results into the revision of these instructions?


Content & Organization

Does your content support your claim / purpose, and is it usable for your audiences?

Do you employ the appropriate superstructure for this audience and purpose?

Do you employ standard forms of technical organization (i.e., moving from general to particular, writing in a descending order of priority)?

Are your instructions appropriately complex and thorough?  

Do you provide suitable graphics where appropriate?


Do key sections meet the criteria from our revision checklist?


Format & Design

Is this document usable, attractive, and easy to navigate?

Do you make effective and persuasive use of relevant visuals and graphics (labels, captions, color choice, etc.)?

Do you make effective and persuasive use of page design (e.g. white space, quadranting, headers, etc.)?

Do you follow the WikiHow formatting conventions in terms of graphic placement, word density, etc?

Do you break your document into separate steps / parts when appropriate?


Grammar & Style

Do you write in an effective and efficient technical prose style (e.g. spelling, grammar, concision, tone, accuracy, etc.)?

Did you write in the conversational, but efficient tone of a Wikihow entry?


Did you write in the imperative? 


Is your writing suitably concise?



Points Possible


Total Score





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